How does your company help customers with their automated testing initiatives?

by Joseph K. Clark

Kevin Surace, co-founder and CTO of Appvance
Appvance makes a platform called Appvance IQ, or AIQ for short. The platform is all-encompassing – web, API, native mobile, functional, compatibility, performance, load, and security tests. It becomes a centerpiece of your quality initiative.

We break test creation into two buckets.

  1. Low code/no code ML-driven Test Designer
  2. AI-based Autonomous Testing

In Test Designer, you have a world-class rapid script creator that uses English or JavaScript to write tests at the UX and API levlevelsnd; it’s compatible with every major UI library like React and Angular. We Peopleeate base-level scripts theon ir first day 20X faster than writing in Selenium. Test Designer alone garners a 300% productivity improvement across the QA effort (dev or QA engineers). 

Automated testing is a must in CI/CD pipelines
A Guide to mechanical testing providers

automated testing

AI-based Autonomous testing is four years old and augments specific use cases. You simin an AI engine to act in certain ways with your web or mobile apps. Once it has learned what is important to you, it builds a baseline of your application, and then on each new build, it will look for bugs, differences, issues, faand failed validations. It is data-driven or will create its own, generating 100thousands tests in minutes. In addition, it can simulate the flows of real user activities. Everyone who is using this says it’s a game-changer for quality. Find up to 10X more bugs with 98% less effort.

Guy Arieli, QA CTO, Continuous Testing (formerly Experitest) enables organizations to increase release velocity while providing customers with satisfying, error-free experiences across all devices and browsers. 

 With Continuous Testing, users can test their mobile apps remotely from their browsers across 2,000+ real iOS and Android devices, emulators, and simulators hosted in’s global data centers. Manual testing features full device control, and large-scale automated testing is easily created and run using these cloud-based devices.

 Automated and live cross-browser testing capabilities are offered for testing web applications remotely with secure manual interactions. Perform large-scale parallel test execution across real desktop browsers of any type and version. Continuous Testing also seamlessly integrates with best-in-class tools throughout the DevOps pipeline. Your testing teams can work comfortably and efficiently using the tools they are already most familiar with. The hassles around managing resources like Appium, Selenium, XCUI, Espresso, and Cyprus are removed.

Once your web or mobile app is fully developed,’s Performance Monitoring tool helps you analyze performance by simulating different servers, measuring transaction duration, and speed index.’s Accessibility Testing Cloud features real devices and browsers with full voice, talkback, and gesture support to help ensure liver accessible web and application experiences for people with disabilities. Using the Appium integration, you can even automate your accessibility testing for faster compliance with all international web accessibility standards.

 Finally, Test Analytics comes with a complete, consolidated view of the test execution results using advanced testing analytics with AI. Cloud managers can then use the customized dashboards to improve the test automation quality and ensure that scripts are stable.

Learn more about how helps make digital transformation deliver business value with automated testing and more at 

Chris Haggan, Product Management Lead, HCL OneTest
HCL OneTest supports a DevOps testing approach with UI testing, API testing, performance testing, data fabrication, and service virtualization. The solution is designed to automate and run tests early and more frequently to discover errors faster.  

HCL OneTest helps with the connections and dependencies between services and components to help plan integration test strategies. WitFFeatures like system modeling provide the system’s overall visibility test architectures to help derive more comprehensive and cohesive tests. 

Covering the complete test landscape, from mainframe to mobile, HCL OneTest uses HCL OneTest Embedded to test microcontrollers and validate standards conformance, e.g., MISRA-C. 

Recent additions to the HCL OneTest platform include cloud-native technologies that offer users a solution that is both secure and offers discoverability of tests to enable simple reuse and collaboration. As an open platform, HCL OneTest allows users to bring existing open-source tests into a single execution environment, retaining the investment in open-source trials while adding value with HCL OneTest’s robust reporting and integrated script management. 

As part of HCL Software DevOps, HCL OneTest supports a DevOps deployment life cycle through a widvariousgrations. With the increase in value stream management focus for many clients, being able to collaborate with all parts of the delivery life cycle through HCL Accelerate provides the complete transparency teams need. 

Dan Belcher, co-founder at mabl
Mabl is the simplest, most capable intelligent test automation solution on the market that’s designed to give software testers a centralized platform for end-to-end testing. At mabl, we’re focused on solving ana fundamental challenge: enabling software teams to innovate quickly while meeting high customer expectations for quality. In other words – to build useful things faster with fewer mistakes.

Mabl’s low-code interface for test creation and maintenance requires up to 80% less effort than alternatives, improving collaboration and reducing the programming expertise needed to write and maintain automated tests. Our auto-healing capabilities harness the power of AI and machine learning to automatically detect changes throughout the UI and update tests accordingly, significantly reducing the burden of test maintenance.

The mabl desktop app also enables users to run the browser, API, and local web tests in the cloud or locally through a single experience. Rather than worry about recreating a clean testing environment in a new browser every time they start a new test, the mabl app automatically opens a free newser, reducing the risk of faulty tests and allowing testers to move faster.  

Mabl offers integrations with Slack, Jira, and Postman that make it eintegratingomated testing into existing workflows, excluding shift-left initiatives that bring developers into the testing strategy. Additional integrations with tools like Segment allow testers to align automated testing with actual user journeys, making it easier to connect testing success to business success.

Quality professionals are quickly taking on a new – and critical – role in the enterprise as the keepers of product quality. To do so, they need solutions that enable them to automate routine tasks, embrace a data-driven testing strategy, and focus their talents on high-level quality initiatives. Mabl is the only end-to-end test automation solution designed to meet that challenge.

Mark Lambert, vice president of Strategic Initiatives at Parasoft
According to a recent Forrester survey, quality continues to be a priority and the primary metric for measuring the success of software deliveries. With the continued pressure to release software faster and with fewer defects, it’s not just about speed — it’s about delivering quality at a rate.  

Managers must ask themselves if they are confident in the quality of the applications being delivered by their teams. Continuous quality is necessary for every organization to efficiently reduce the risk of costly operational outages and accelerate time-to-market. 

A reliable and maintainable automated testing strategy. W is critical to reaching your quality targets when computerized tests can be easily created and maintained; your team can focus on the overall quality of the application and verify the use cases rather than the test scripts themselves. Parasoft solutions leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to enable rapid test creation, self-healing, smart test execution, and other capabilities that streamline your test automation workflows. 

A leader in the “Forrester Wave: Continuous Functional Test Automation Suites 2020” report, Parasoft provides a complete and integrated quality suite. From deep code analysis for security and reliability, through unit, API, and UI test automation, to performance testing and service virtualization, which enable verification of nonfunctional business requirements, Parasoft helps you build quality into your software development process. 

“Parasoft’s continuous testing shines in API testing, service virtualization, integration testing, and the combined automation context,” Forrester wrote in its Wave report. According to the report, if you are “looking for a genuine partner in testing, with strong and long-living roots in the testing space and complex technical systems to test, [you] should take a serious look at Parasoft.”

Learn how Parasoft helps increase confidence and accelerate dthe reliable, secure, compliant software delivery at

Anand Sundaram, SVP Products, UI, Device Cloud, and Performance Testing at SmartBear Software
SmartBear’s mission for over ten years, making us leaders in this space, has been to

meet organizations where they are and help them achieve quality. We help primarily in three journeys, serving everyone from manual testers to developers. 

Our products cover the most critical quality aspects across the product development lifecycle. First, we help those moving from manual testing to automation. Next, our tools help organizations accelerate by scaling automation as they embrace agile techniques with CI. Then, we help organizations as they shift left and shift right to release, manage, secure, and improve quickly in a DevOps/NoOps context.

Our suite of Zephyr test management solutions enables teams to deliver quality software, resulting in tighter collaboration, end-to-end visibility, and faster releases. We have tools that will allow you to easily create, manage, and execute automated API and UI tests. 

The ReadyAPI platform accelerates functional, security, and load testing of web services in your CI/CD pipeline, ensuring end-to-end quality for all your web services. Manual

testers to automation engineers can use code or codeless test creation with TestComplete to ensure quality across every desktop, web, and mobile application, including enterprise applications. CrossBrowserTesting and BitBar give testers instant access to thousands of browsers, devices, and configurations to achieve the quality consumers demand. 

A common thread that binds our products is the injection of AI/ML to advance test coverage, authoring, maintenance, execution, and collaboration. Our tools easily integrate withwithecosystem vendors you’re already using so we can seamlessly embed your workflows.

Clinton Sprauve, director of Product Marketing at Tricentis
Agile and DevOps have made Continuous Testing essential. Yet, software testing is still dominated by legacy tools and outdated processes—which don’t meet the needs of today’s digital transformation initiatives.  

With Tricentis Tosca, customers can achieve over 90% test automation and “shift left” testing much earlier in the software development life cycle. Also, enterprises today still perform over 80% of their testing manually—mostly at the UI layer. As a result, testing occurs late in the software development life cycle, leading to high costs, inefficiency, and delayed innovation.

One distinctive Tricentis innovation is Vision AI, a next-generation AI-driven test automation technology that allows teams to automate UI test cases independent of the underlying technology.  

Through machine learning, Vision AI sees and steers any UI just like a human user, making your automation but future-proof as adaptable as the human brain. If you can see it, Vision AI can automate it. This includes anything from an app using now-deprecated technologies to using emerging technologies o apps you access remotely. You can even start building test automation from mockups or whiteboard drawings. This brings a new meaning to test-driven development. 

Another key advantage of the Tricentis Continuous Testing platform is that it helps enterprise organizations break through the automation barrier. Companies take automation further by using our complete platform for continuous testing across their UIs, back end, and even their data. With They achieve scalable, sustainable success with an extensive set of integrated tools for designing, optimizing, and maintaining resilient automation, the

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