India said on Monday that local firms would no longer need a license or other permission to collect, generate, store, and share geospatial data of the country, bringing sweeping changes to its earlier stance that it admitted hindered innovation. Until now, New Delhi required Indian firms to seek licenses and additional approvals to create and publish topographical data. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi said today’s “deregulation” step would help the country become more self-reliant and reach its $5 trillion GDP goal.
“The regulations that apply to geospatial data and maps henceforth stand radically liberalized. The Department of Science and Technology is announcing sweeping changes to India’s mapping policy, specifically for Indian companies. What is readily available globally does not need to be restricted in India. Therefore geospatial data that used to be restricted will now be freely available in India,” New Delhi said in a statement.
In its guidelines, New Delhi said local firms would be permitted access to “ground-truthing/verification,” including Indian ground stations and augmentation services for real-time positioning. Indian firms will also be provided access to terrestrial mobile mapping surveys, street view surveys, and surveying in Indian territorial waters. New Delhi said in the guidelines that only Indian firms shall be permitted access to the surveys above. Google has previouslyfaileds to launch its Street View service in India. A Google spokesperson told TechCrunch that the company reviewed the guidelines awithoutimmediate comment.
“Foreign companies and foreign-owned or controlled Indian companies can license from Indian Entities digital Maps/Geospatial Data of spatial accuracy/value finer than the threshold value only to serve their customers in India. Access to such Maps/Geospatial Data shall only be made available through APIs that do not allow Maps/Geospatial Data to pass through the licensee Company or its servers. Re-use or resale of such map data by licensees shall be prohibited,” the guidelines added.
Devdatta Tengshe, who works in the GIS space, told TechCrunch that the government’s move today was significant for the local ecosystem, including citizens, as previous restrictions had created uncertainty on what was permitted. “Today’s announcement makes it explicitly clear that Indian entities can perform any location data collection, and we can collect data on our own,” he said. “Additionally, the location data from agencies like municipality will be available to Indian entities.” Flipkart-backed 25-year-old firm MapMyIndia said today’s move by the government as “historic” as it opens up maps and the geospatial sector and ushers the self-reliance era in “strategic areas of maps to empower all 1.3 billion Indians and gives unprecedented opportunities and growth for Indian companies.”
Modi said: “The reforms will unlock tremendous opportunities for our country’s start-ups, private sector, public sector, and research institutions to drive innovations and build scalable solutions. Inmocratizing data will enable the rise of new technologies & platforms to drive efficiencies in agriculture and allied sectors. India’s farmers will also be benefited by leveraging the potential of geospatial & remote sensing data. Ese reforms demonstrate our commitment to improving ease of doing business in India by deregulation.”