Mental Health In The Schools – The Problem Is Not Being Addressed

by Joseph K. Clark

Mental Health In The Schools – School shootings have risen in recent years. From Columbine to Sandy Hook, schools have become a hotbed for violent acts, and the aftermath has devastated students, families, and communities.

Schools are responsible for educating our children. That’s why the school system should be the place where children thrive.

But mental health problems in schools are often overlooked and left unaddressed. Schools are not equipped with the tools to help kids thrive. So, what can we do to improve the situation?

To find out, we talked to school leaders, psychologists, counselors, and school nurses, who all shared their stories and insights on how they are helping children and their families thrive in the classroom.

As we approach another school year, I wanted to share a few things to consider when working with schools.

As a child psychologist, I see how school systems around the country are trying to address the mental health crisis and how they help kids thrive in the classroom.

This includes talking about the issue openly and getting help for those struggling.

I thought this would be helpful for other teachers who may be interested in talking about mental health and suicide prevention with their students and staff.

Mental Health In The Schools - The Problem Is Not Being Addressed

What is Mental Health in the Schools?

Mental health in schools has been an ongoing issue for many years. It is the students and the teachers who suffer from mental health issues. According to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), the mental health of students and staff has been linked to many factors, including socioeconomic status, school size, and teacher workload.

The NASP has developed a series of recommendations for schools to improve their mental health programs to address this issue. These recommendations include providing professional development and training to teachers, implementing a school-wide wellness plan, creating a school culture that promotes positive mental health, and creating safe student spaces.

How can schools improve mental health?

As a student, the last thing you want to do is worry about your mental health. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what school is.

If you go to school, you know many stressful things will be. You’ll have exams, assignments, and deadlines. Not to mention, your teachers will be grading you.

There’s no doubt that stress can cause mental illness. But did you know that the average American student has 6 hours of homework each night?

The amount of pressure that students are under in school is crazy. So how can schools improve mental health?

They can start by reducing homework. The US Department of Education recommends that students have between 25 and 45 minutes of reading per night.

This might seem like a lot, but it’s not nearly as bad as you think. And it can have a positive effect.

How can schools create a healthy environment?

If you want to improve children’s health in your school environment, knowing what you are dealing with is essential. Schools are like other organizations and institutions because policies and procedures bind them.

Some things are easy to change, and some that are more difficult. This includes creating a healthy environment and ensuring children have a safe place to study.

You need to know that educating the children is not just your job. It’s also the responsibility of the school.

How can schools address mental health issues?

Schools should implement programs to help students dealing with mental health issues.

Mental health issues affect millions of Americans. Nearly 40 percent of adults are dealing with mental health issues. Unfortunately, these issues often go undiagnosed and untreated.

There is a growing awareness of mental health in schools. However, mental health awareness campaigns are often too narrow in focus. It is hard to reach everyone, especially the students who struggle with mental health.

Educating teachers and administrators about the issues is the most effective way to combat the stigma surrounding mental illness.

There are two main reasons that I think schools should look into implementing programs to help students dealing with mental health issues.

Firstly, students with mental health issues often drop out of school. They are likely to repeat grades and may even drop out altogether.

Secondly, the prevalence of mental health issues among students is rising. The National Institute of Mental Health found that over 20% of high school students suffer from depression.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q: What is Mental Health Month?

A: Mental Health Month was created in 1995 to help promote awareness of mental health issues and educate students, parents, and educators on preventing suicide. Mental health is one of the most important aspects of a person’s life; it profoundly impacts everyone in society.

Q: How can we improve mental health education in schools?

A: Mental Health Month is necessary to talk about mental health, especially for students who may not have access to a counselor or therapist. Encouraging students to open up about their feelings and experiences is essential to prevent suicide. We can also help by teaching students how to identify warning signs of suicidal ideation and how to respond.

Q: How can we help students feel less anxious or stressed about school?

A: One way to help students cope with stress is to make sure they understand why stress happens. Stress happens when we are overworked, overstimulated, or lack control over our environment. Once we recognize that a problem is stressful, we can take action to solve the problem. Also, we can help students realize that they can handle stress and that there are ways to deal with stress healthily. Students can learn coping skills, such as positive thinking and exercise. Students must know they have control over their situation and the resources available if they need help.

Q: Why is suicide a severe issue in schools?

A: Suicide rates among students have increased steadily over the past few years. According to the CDC, over 17,000 student suicides were reported in 2017. The average age for the first suicide attempt is 15, and more than half of all teens who commit suicide have not told anyone about their problems. Many youths are afraid to tell someone they care


Q: Tell us about yourself and what you do with The Mental Health Initiative.

A: I am the Co-Founder of the Mental Health Initiative (MHI). We are working to create a mental health program within the San Francisco Bay Area schools, specifically the South Bay. Students are trained to recognize mental health issues and have access to mental health resources. We are currently developing a curriculum that provides students with the tools and knowledge needed to identify mental health issues and understand how to treat them.

Q: What is Mental Health?

A: According to the World Health Organization, mental health is “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to his or her community.”

Q: How is Mental Health Important?

A: According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “Mental illness is not a weakness, but a real health problem just like any other.” In 2010, it was estimated that 1 in 4 Americans had a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. More than 7 million adults have serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, and anxiety disorders. These illnesses can be dangerous or disabling if left untreated, often requiring long-term care. Additionally, an estimated 25% of high school students report having a diagnosable mental illness, while an additional 10% of college students do.

Q: Why Does Mental Health, Matter?

A: In recent years, the rate of suicide has risen among youth in the United States, and more than 20% of all youth attempt suicide at some point in their lives. Suicide is the second leading cause of death

Myths About Mental Health In The Schools

  1. All schools should have a mental health counselor on staff to help students with mental health issues.
  2. School-based counseling programs are a good idea for all students.
  3. All schools should provide a “one-stop” place where students can go if they have any concerns about their mental health.
  4. Schools are not equipped to handle students with mental health needs.
  5. Teachers are not qualified to make decisions about what is best for students.
  6. All teachers should be in the classroom all day.
  7. All students should be diagnosed with ADHD, and medications should be administered to all students.
  8. Students should be expelled for noncompliance or low test scores.
  9. Students should be suspended from school for noncompliance or low test scores.
  10. Mental health problems are a minor concern.
  11. Mental Health problems do not affect the lives of most people.
  12. Mental Health problems are not a common problem.
  13. Mental Health problems can be dealt with quickly.
  14. Mental Health problems are due to the fault of the child.
  15. A lack of attention from school staff causes Mental Health problems.


There are many problems facing students in the United States today. Some of them are systemic and difficult to solve. But there are things we can do to address them.

One such problem is that schools have become where students are not learning. Students are not learning critical thinking, reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They are not being taught the basics of math, science, history, geography, and civics. They are not being taught how to develop good habits. They are not being taught how to deal with stress and anxiety.

We can begin to fix these problems by educating parents, teachers, and school administrators about dealing with mental health issues in students. We can ensure schools have the resources and personnel to identify and help students struggling with mental illness.

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