SEO Crash Course

by Joseph K. Clark

You must have heard a lot about Search Engine Optimization. You must have wondered what it is. How does it work? Let me give you an overview of SEO to clear up your confusion. Now consider that you have a YouTube channel or developing a website, and it was many days ago, but you are not getting any views or people are not looking at your website. This condition is called website traffic. Now, what is SEO here? SEO is a procedure that improves the quality of such traffic and helps to get your views.

Why is it essential for you? It is imperative if you are a businessman. It is used for an Internet Marketing Strategy. Its algorithm helps you know what people are looking for and what terminology they are searching on the Internet. Because of these causes, people look for SEO crash courses. They understand that this is very much required these days. This is what actually can help them increase their market value. So, various SEO crash courses available nowadays will be discussed further.


Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEO is illegal to apply in our daily lives. It is used unethically by website developers to increase their website’s rank.  Google’s webmaster guidelines disapprove of these practices. What happens when you search for anything on Google? It is considered a keyword. So, when few users recognize Google’s website ranking, some forcibly let google rank their website at the top. This does not follow any of the search engine guidelines. For this reason, we do not recommend you use black hat SEO for your website ranking.

SEO Crash Courses for WordPress Users

If you have created your website using WordPress, and the same situation has occurred here of zero trafficking, SEO has some crash courses for WordPress users. This SEO crash course for WordPress users will help you optimize your website. People are not coming to your site and have put lots of effort into promoting your site, and nothing is happening; this course is for you. Do you learn here:

  • Specific SEO techniques will make your page rank #1 on Google within a few months.
  • You will learn how to increase trafficking by more than 90 percent.
  • You can set up WordPress plugins for the optimization of SEO.
  • You will get to perform advanced keyword research efficiently.
  • You will learn the analysis and auditing of your website.
  • There are types of SEO, and you will learn the distinction between them: black hat, grey hat, and white hat.
  • And in the end, youcan save money and start your own SEO company.

Amazon SEO crash course

If you are a seller selling some of your products on Amazon, the customers use the Amazon search bar to get what they want. By using the preferred keywords on Amazon’s search bar, Amazon finds the matching product according to the information you provided for that item.

What does the course consist of?

  • The first thing that a consumer’s eye on is the product title. Your first goal should be to have a catchy title because that is the essential part customers see.
  • The 2nd point consists of the Bullet points. It tells you to use some main words in various ways and repeat them naturally anywhere. Include some related keywords so thatit becomes easy when the customers search on Amazon’s search bay.
  • It includes good images. Good images create a good conversation between you and the customer.
  • The product’s introduction is also the most critical section. Writing a good product introduction helps customers understand what they will get.
  • Next is the reviews; reviews are a tentative part of succeeding Amazon. According to Amazon, you are not the right seller if you do not have reviews on your website, so it is essential.
  • The list ends with the super URL. This tool lets youn tell Amazon which keywords to use for your website. Also, there is an AMZ tracker by which your chosen keywords will be rotated.

SEO Marketing Courses

Selling something online is a challenging task. You need to attract customers to purchase your product. And for that, you need to have a good website with increased traffic. This course can help your website rank no.1 on Google, Yahoo, or Bing. This course is primarily for web admins, bloggers, entrepreneurs, and all those who want to know how to improve their market value quickly.

This course will support you in knowing the following:

  • All the technical SEO fundamentals.
  • Help you to understand how to lower the loading time of your website.
  • It helps to increase the time the user spends on your website.
  • You will learn the attributes of backlinks.
  • It will also help you to protect your website from negative SEO.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) crash courses for your website are available at low prices. You can buy them online and get access quickly. By learning these courses, you will know how to attract customers, add unique keywords to your websites, and much more in just less amount. If you ever dreamt of having the top websites on Google search, apply for these courses and be the highest-earning market owner at the lowest price. If you ever wish to have a top-ranked #1 website and want to have a famous brand, and be eminent just with an online business, here is the idea, learn SEOthee our,s andthe theentioned to fulfill your dreams. I hope this will help you in the expansion of your online business.

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