What are various kinds of stock orders in Sydney?

by Joseph K. Clark

A stock order is an instruction to buy or sell a particular share at the best price. There are several kinds of stock orders that investors may utilize. These can include ‘limit’ and ‘stop’ orders. You could use any of these to buy stocks in Australia. Sydney’s stock orders have terms and conditions attached, meaning they can be tailored according to the investor’s requirements.

Summary show

shares at a pre-defined price. If the investor tries to profit by buying, they will set the limit price higher than the market value. If an investor is selling, they will put their limit price below the current market rate. Investors commonly use limit orders to ‘buy low, sell high’.


shares when the price of these shares reaches a certain level is called a stop order or stop-loss. It can be either higher or lower than the current market value. Stop orders are commonly used by investors who believe the price of their investments may decrease soon or increase soon and therefore want to ensure or guarantee that they make a financial gain. The constantly fluctuating nature of stock prices means you can activate a stop loss at any moment, which is why strict regulations regarding stop orders exist. It is only permitted to place one when the investor has enough capital in their trading account to ensure they will not incur a loss due to the order being activated. You cannot withdraw this money until after the trade has been completed and both parties agree with the terms to ensure the financial risk is sufficient insurance against default by either party.

market price by a pre-defined amount of money. The stop loss will decrease if the stock price decreases and vice versa. Trailing stops are similar to ‘stop’ orders, except they constantly adjust to changing market prices. They are commonly used by investors who believe there may be further decreased in their value or increases in price soon but cannot set a stopping point until after it has occurred.

order you must execute immediately before its expiry time or is canceled. It means that either the order is completed fully or not at all. Once a fill-or-kill request has been submitted, there are only 15 minutes to complete the transaction. If this timeframe expires, the trade fails, and any funds committed are returned to their traders’ accounts unaltered. Fill-or-Kill orders are usually used when an investor needs their purchase/sale to be made immediately due to an upcoming event. It can help reduce the risk of ‘price slippage’ when the stock price falls between when investors place their order and it is exe,cuted. It can often occur with high-impact news, even if only small amounts are traded.

market. A trader may use a limit or stop price within their market order, so they do not have all their capital tied up in one investment unless it reaches their pre-determined prices. If the trader has enough money in their account to cover the cost of the shares they want, then they can execute a market order immediately. Market orders are commonly used because investors may not have time to place a limit or stop price and will instead trust that the stock price will rise or fall at some point during trading hours.

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