Fructosamine Test Today and Get Your Blood Sugar Tested!

by Joseph K. Clark

For people with diabetes, regular checkups with your doctor are a must to keep tabs on your blood sugar. Blood glucose or blood sugar tests test for hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia in people with diabetes. Fructosamine tests have several other health benefits as well. Knowing your fructosamine levels gives you the power to lower them.

What is a fructosamine test?

A fructosamine test is a blood test that measures the average blood sugar level over the past 2 to 3 weeks. A fructosamine level of 300 mg/dL or higher indicates your blood sugar may be too high. However, it is normal to have some variation in blood sugar levels over time, even hours after eating. Your story may not be as high as the test results suggest. Your doctor can use this information to determine your diabetes or prediabetes.

Fructosamine Test

What are the benefits of a Fructosamine Test?

A Fructosamine Test is a blood test that measures the average blood sugar control over the past 2 to 3 weeks. It monitors diabetes control in people taking insulin or diabetes medications. It can also monitor blood sugar control in people with a family history of diabetes and want to know if they are keeping their diabetes under control. Nemaline is a glucose monitoring device worn on your belt or pocket. You use the Nemminex app to test your blood sugar levels. Your results are displayed on your phone.

How is a Fructosamine Test administered?

A Fructosamine Test is a blood test that measures the average blood sugar levels over the past 2 to 3 weeks. It is a screening test that indicates whether your blood sugar levels are elevated. A normal level is less than 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L). An ADA-approved lab uses a small blood sample to measure the amount of fructosamine in your blood. Fructosamine is made from uridine, which your body converts into glucose (sugar).

What are the average Fructosamine Test results?

A Fructosamine Test measures the average blood sugar control over the past 2 to 3 weeks. The results of a Fructosamine Test can help your doctor determine how well your diabetes treatment plan works. A Fructosamine Test is a blood test that measures the average blood sugar control over the past 2 to 3 weeks. In addition to monitoring how well your diabetes control is over time, your Fructosamine Test also gives you information about how your blood sugar levels may change over time. Fructosamine levels are used as a screening test for diabetes, especially if you have symptoms like excessive thirst or urination, blurred vision, weight loss, or fatigue. People who test positive are offered an oral glucose tolerance test to determine diabetes.

What do abnormal Fructosamine Test results mean?

Fructosamine is a protein that your body makes from glucose. An abnormal Fructosamine Test result means that the protein level called fructosamine in your blood is higher than usual. A Fructosamine Test may be ordered if you have diabetes, are taking insulin, or have symptoms of diabetes, such as frequent urination. An elevated level of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) in your blood can cause increased susceptibility to lung disease. The liver produces A1AT and helps protect your lungs from damage.

How often should you get a Fructosamine Test?

A Fructosamine Test is a blood test that measures how much sugar is attached to your red blood cells. It can help you, and your doctor knows how well your diabetes treatment works. It also can help determine how your body responds to therapy and how you might need to change your plan. Your care team can give you the tools to partner in your health journey actively.

What is the Fructosamine Test procedure?

Fructosamine Test procedure A blood sample is collected from a vein in the arm. After the needle is inserted, the skin is cleaned with alcohol, and a small amount of blood is drawn. Usually, a nurse or phlebotomist will collect the blood sample. The Fructosamine Test procedure is a blood test that measures the average blood sugar control over the past 2 to 3 weeks.

Things you should keep in your Mind

  • What is the Fructosamine Test?
  • What does the Fructosamine Test measure?
  • When is the best time to take the Fructosamine Test?
  • How is the Fructosamine Test performed?
  • What are the risks associated with the Fructosamine Test?
  • What are the benefits of the Fructosamine Test?
  • What are the possible results of the Fructosamine Test?

When should you take a Fructosamine Test?

A Fructosamine Test is a blood test that measures the average blood sugar control over the past 2 to 3 weeks. It is used to monitor how well your diabetes treatment plan is working. Your provider may recommend this test if you have diabetes and are having problems controlling your blood sugar levels or want to get more information about how well your treatment plan is working. This test measures the amount of glucose in your blood. Glucose is a simple sugar your body uses for energy. A normal level is less than 180 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L).

What does a fructosamine test measure?

A fructosamine test measures the average blood sugar level over two to three weeks. The person takes the blood test by pricking the inner layer of skin with a lancet (a small needle) in the arm. After the sample is taken, the blood test is sent to a lab. Fructosamine may be used alone or for other blood tests to check blood sugar levels over time.


A fructosamine test is a blood test that measures how much sugar is bound to proteins in the blood. This test can help diagnose diabetes and monitor blood sugar control in people with diabetes. A family history of diabetes may increase your risk of developing the disease. Treatment plans for diabetes vary depending on the severity of the condition. A fructosamine test may be recommended during pregnancy to help monitor blood sugar levels.

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